
NIPT test: Panorama

Panorama is a noninvasive prenatal screening test (NIPT) that reveals your baby’s or babies’ probability for genetic syndromes as early as nine weeks. Panorama analyzes your litlle’s (placental) DNA through a simple blood sample.

Panorama is great if you’re expecting twins (or multiples) in that it analyzes fractions of DNA from both of your littles. It allows you to know the gender of each baby, whether they are identical or fraternal, and determines how they are going to grow and develop.

Choose between Panorama Basic or Panorama Extended, with 5 added microdeletions.

Duration: 45 minutes
Price, Basic: DKK 4,300
Price, Extended: DKK 5,400

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If you can’t come to our clinic, we can send the Panorama kit to your home so you can have your doctor take the blood test.
We are also happy to send international.
You can book Panorama and Vistara test sent to you on our online booking.
Price, Panorama Basic: DKK 4,300
Price, Panorama Extended: DKK 5,100
Price, Panorama and Vistara: DKK  12,900

Read more about the Basic test

Panorama basic

We screen for:

  • Trisomi 21 (Downs Syndrom)
  • Trisomi 18 (Edwards Syndrom)
  • Trisomi 13 (Pataus Syndrom)
  • Turners syndrom (XO)
  • Triploidy (69 chromosomes)

The above conditions will be rated high or low probability in your report.

Furthermore, the test examines whether there are 3 sex chromosomes instead of 2. It could be in the following combinations: XXX, XXY or XYY. These conditions are not stated in your report unless they are found to be present in the sample.

Additionally, you can choose to screen for DiGeorge Syndrome at no extra cost. DiGeorge is rated in terms of high or low probability and not as a fact that the child is affected. DiGeorge Syndrome is a common condition, found in 1:2000 births, and is the most common condition after Down Syndrome. The condition comes in varying degrees of severity and may cause heart failure and mental retardation.

Finally, if you would like to know if you’re expecting a little boy or girl, the test also screens for baby’s gender at no extra cost.

Read more about the Extended test

Panorama extended

Med den udvidede Panorama-test undersøger vi risiko for:

  • Trisomi 21 (Downs Syndrom)
  • Trisomi 18 (Edwards Syndrom)
  • Trisomi 13 (Pataus Syndrom)
  • Turners syndrom (XO)
  • Triploidy (69 chromosomes)

In addition, you can choose to screen for the following 5 micro deletions:

  • 1p36 deletion
  • 22q11.2 deletion (DiGeorges Syndrom)
  • Angelman Syndrom
  • Cri-du-chat Syndrom
  • Prader-Willi Syndrom

The above conditions will be rated as high or low probability in your report.

The test also examines whether there are 3 sex chromosomes instead of 2. It could be in the following combinations: XXX, XXY or XYY. These conditions are not stated in your report unless they are found to be present in the sample.

Finally, if you would like to know whether you’re expecting a baby boy or girl, the test also screens for gender at no extra cost. Please inform us if you would like to know.

Panorama provides important knowledge about your little one(s)

The test screens for the following conditions:


  • Downs syndrom (Trisomi 21)
  • Edwards syndrom (Trisomi 18)
  • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)
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Babies with trisomies have an extra copy of either chromosome 21 (Down Syndrome), 18 (Edward Syndrome) or 13 (Patau Syndrome).

If born alive, most affected babies with either trisomy 18 or 13 will pass away within the first few weeks of life.

Below is an estimated occurance (at the time of birth).


Estimated occurance (at the time of birth)

Trisomy 21
Downs Syndrom
1 in 700
Trisomy 18
Edwards Syndrom
1 in 7.900
Trisomy 13
Pataus Syndrom
1 in 9.500

The above calculation is based on a group of women who did not receive any examinations during pregnancy. If you have had a 12-week and a 20-week scan, the incidence number will be lower.

Sex chromosome aneuploidies

  • Turners Syndrom (Monosomi X)
  • Klinefelters Syndrom (XXY)
  • Triple-X (XXX)
  • XYY karyotype
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Sex chromosome abnormalities occur when there is an extra or missing copy of one of the sex chromosomes. One type of sex chromosome abnormality that affects girls is called Turner Syndrome. Girls with Turner Syndrome are missing one X chromosome.

Other common sex chromosome abnormalities are caused by an extra chromosome. Although most affected individuals have an IQ that is in the normal range, some but not all, have learning disabilities or delays.

In general, presentation is less severe than what is seen in trisomies 18, 13, and 21. Children with sex chromosomes abnormalities typically do not have major birth defects. The probability of some sex chromosome abnormalities increase with maternal age.


22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
The 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, also called DiGeorge Syndrome or Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS), is caused by a missing piece of chromosome number 22.

About one in every 2,000 babies is born with the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. The majority of children with this condition have heart defects, immune system problems, and specific facial features. Most children with 22q.11.2 Deletion Syndrome have mild-to-moderate intellectual disability and speech delays; some will also have low calcium levels, kidney problems, feeding problems and/or seizures.

About one in five children with the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome have an autism spectrum disorder; 1 in 4 adults with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome have a psychiatric illness, like schizophrenia.

Below is an estimated occurance (at the time of birth).


Estimated occurance
(at the time of birth)

DiGeorges Syndrom
1 in 4.000

The above calculation is based on a group of women who did not receive any examinations during pregnancy. If you have had a 12-week and a 20-week scan, the incidence number will be lower.

1p36 Deletion Syndrome (extended test)
1p36 Deletion Syndrome, also referred to as Monosomy 1p36 syndrome, is caused by a missing piece of chromosome 1.

Children with 1p36 Deletion Syndrome have intellectual disabilities. Most have heart defects and weak muscle tone. About half of affected individuals have seizures (epilepsy), behavioral problems and hearing loss. Some children with 1p36 deletion syndrome also have vision problems or additional birth defects of other organs.

About 1 in 5,000 newborn babies has 1p36 deletion syndrome.

Angelman Syndrome (extended test)
Angelman Syndrome happens when either a small piece of chromosome 15 is missing, or when both copies of chromosome 15 come from the same parent (called uniparental disomy, or UPD).

About 1 in 12,000 babies are born with Angelman Syndrome. Babies and children with Angelman syndrome have severe intellectual disability, delayed milestones, seizures, and problems with balance and walking.

Accurate analysis of Angelmann requires at least 7 percent fetal DNA. If your blood sample contains less than 7 percent but more than 4 perfect (enough to screen for the remaining conditions), we will still run the test. Your test report will then state all the screening results, with the exception of Angelmann.

Please note that if we’re able to screen for all conditions but Angelmann, this still counts as a full test. You will not be offered a new test or a deduction in price.

Cri-du-chat Syndrome (extended test)
A missing piece of chromosome 5 causes Cri-du-chat syndrome, also called 5p- (5p minus) syndrome.

The name “Cri-du-chat” was given to this syndrome due to the high-pitched, cat-like cry that babies with this syndrome often make. Babies with Cri-du-chat syndrome typically have low birth weight, a small head size and weak muscle tone.

Feeding and breathing problems are common in infancy. Children with this disorder have moderate-to-severe intellectual disability, including speech and language delays. They may also have growth delays, behavior problems, and some have curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

About one in every 20,000 babies is born with Cri-du-chat syndrome. They may also have heart defects, growth delay, behavioral problems and some have curvature of the spine.

Prader-Willi Syndrome (extended test)
Prader-Willi Syndrome occurs when either a small piece of chromosome 15 is missing or when both copies of chromosome 15 come from the same parent (called uniparental disomy, or UPD).

Babies with Prader-Willi syndrome have low muscle tone and problems with growth and feeding. Children with Prader-Willi syndrome have delayed milestones, short stature, rapid weight gain leading to obesity, and intellectual disability.

About 1 in 10,000 babies are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.

Gender (optional, no extra cost)

What’s included in the test?

  • If you feel the need for guidance before booking your test, or have any questions regarding the process, our lovely staff are more than happy to help you. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you need support of any kind.
  • The test includes a thorough scan of your little one. We check to see if there are any developmental abnormalities (some will be visible on the screen, and vary from week to week).
  • If you already went for a nuchal translucency scan and were given ‘soft markers’, we’ll review these and together investigate what they might indicate for the health of your baby. If you’d like us to, we are happy to measure the nuchal fold again.
  • If your results from the test come back positive (with a high likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities), you are offered a placenta biopsy or amniocentesis as further confirmation. We are happy to refer you to a hospital.

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Expecting twins?

Panorama is great if you’re expecting twins. Unlike other tests, Panorama analyzes fractions of DNA from each of your babies. That means that you’ll know if there is a high probability for trisomies in one or both of your children.

Furthermore, Panorama can determine the gender of both babies.

Please refer to this overview to see how Panorama screens if you’re expecting twins or multiples.

What does Panorama screen for?

One child pregnancy

Twin pregnancy

If our screening finds that your twins are identical, Panorama can additionally screen for:

Egg donor or surrogate pregnancies (one baby only)

Trisomies 21, 18 og 13
Monosomy X
Trisomies 21, 18 og 13
Monosomy X
Trisomies 21, 18 og 13
Sex chromosome trisomies
Gender (optional)
Gender (optional)
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (optional)
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (optional)
Additional micro deletions (optional)
Gender (optional)

Panorama at a glance

  • Natera, the company behind Panorama, has developed a completely new technology with artificial intelligence, which means that the percentage of samples that comes back blank is as low as 0.6. For other brands, this percentage lies between 4-5.
  • Panorama is not a diagnostic test. Consequently, if there is a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, an amniocentesis or placenta biopsy is necessary to find the correct diagnosis.

Panorama is NOT for you if:

  • You or the future father of the child is a carrier
  • The nuchal fold is measured at 3.5 mm and above
  • The likelihood of Down Syndrome is 1:10 or lower (based on the results from the nuchal translucency scan & double marker test)
  • If you suffer from Vanishing Twin Syndrome
  • You are pregnant with twins from donor eggs

How your body weight influences test accuracy

During pregnancy, your blood contains fragments of your growing baby’s DNA. For the lab to accurately analyze your blood, the DNA from your little one must be at least at 4 percent – otherwise your test will come back blank.

1-2 percent of all tests will have to be rerun due to a lack of fetal DNA in the blood sample. This is more likely to happen if you are overweight.

The table below gives you an overview of how your weight relates to the likelihood that your blood sample will contain sufficient fetal DNA for the lab to analyze the first time around. It is based on the study Prenatal Diagnosis (2013, 33, 662–666).

If the Panorama test is not a fit for you due to your weight, we recommend the Evita test instead. Here, your weight has no influence over the laboratory’s ability to analyze your data.

See table

This table gives you an overview of how your weight relates to the likelihood that your blood sample will contain sufficient fetal DNA for the lab to analyze the first time around. It is based on the study Prenatal Diagnosis (2013, 33, 662–666).

If your test runs blank based on the first blood sample, we offer a new test free of charge. 70 percent of those who did not receive an answer the first time around will obtain an answer based on their second blood sample.

Weight in kg

Pregnant women examined

Percentage who received an answer based on their first sample

≥50 < 60
≥60 < 70
≥70 < 80
≥80 < 90
≥90 < 100
≥100 < 110
≥110 < 120
≥120 < 130
≥130 < 140

Getting your test results

As soon as we receive your results from the lab in the US, we will contact you by phone. We prefer to always call with the test results – both the good and the difficult ones.

In case you would like us to email you instead, please let us know at your appointment. We will send your report in an encrypted email.

Do I still pay if the test comes back blank?

If for some reason your test comes back completely blank (with no results pertaining to the genetic conditions it is supposed to screen for) we do not charge you the full amount, but only DKK 1,000 to cover the consultation and your scan.

If your test comes back with partial results, covering some, but not all of the genetic conditions in question, you pay the full amount.


Did you know?

Natera, the company behind Panorama, offers free counseling in connection with your test. The counseling takes place over the phone and at a time convenient for you. Please remember to have your test number ready before calling.

For us to offer continued support on your journey, we receive a copy of your counseling report from Natera.