Welcome to Ultralydklinikken for Gravide

Welcome to Ultralydklinikken for Gravide

Denmark’s leading private clinic for ultrasound scanning and genetic screening – since 2000

We are here for you on your fertility and pregnancy journey

Ultralydklinikken for Gravide is Denmark’s first private ultrasound clinic exclusively for pregnant women. Our goal, when we first opened the clinic in 2000, was to create a place where both professionalism and compassion were second to none – and that is still what we work for today.

Scans and genetic screening tests of the highest quality: For little ones and parents-to-be

We offer a wide range of different ultrasound scans of your little one, as well as genetic screening tests for baby and parents alike, all at the very highest level.
All the scans are performed by doctors or midwives with extensive experience in diagnosing the normal as well as the different baby in all weeks of pregnancy. Meet our skilled staff here.

Reassurance and gentle support throughout your pregnancy

Apart from our wonderful staff, our clinic is designed with softness and consideration to make you feel at ease when you come to us – being pregnant (or wanting to be) you couldn’t deserve it more!

We look forward to welcoming you no matter where you are on your fertility or pregnancy journey.

Meet our highly-skilled staff

In addition to offering their skills and professionalism at our clinic, all our employees either work, or used to work for an extended period of time, in a hospital.

In other words, you can rest assured that we are all up to date on the latest methods, research, and knowledge within our field of fetal medicine.

However, professionalism and skills are not everything – especially not when it comes to the most precious part of life: Babies. We therefore strive, not only to give you a highly professional experience, but also to make sure you feel deeply cared for, that all your questions are answered, and that any potential worries are met with calm and compassion.

Please click a name on the list below to learn more about each member of staff.

We can’t wait to meet you.

Consultant, PhD, owner of Ultralydklinikken for Gravide, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine

Lillian Skibsted founded Ultralydklinikken for Gravide in 2000. Lillian’s dissertation was on measuring intrauterine fetal growth using ultrasound scanning and how one can use Doppler to ascertain intrauterine fetal wellbeing.

For the last 25 years Lillian has worked exclusively with diagnostics of fetal diseases both genetically and by ultrasound and holds a Diploma in Fetal Medicine from the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London.

Lillian Skibsted was consultant of a large labour- and ultrasound department at a hospital up until 2020. Today she dedicates all her time to Ultralydklinikken for Gravide.

Lillian has extensive experience in counseling partens-to-be with genetic diseases in the family or in the future child.

Lillian is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine.

Consultant and  specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine.

Helle Zingenberg has been employed at the Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2006.

Helle is a consultant at Herlev Hospital, and for several years she has worked only with pregnant women.

She is highly experienced in performing pregnancy ultrasounds and evaluating if your baby is developing and thriving as expected.

Helle is certified with Fetal Medicine Foundation in London in performing Nuchal Translucency scans.

Helle has also attended 3D/4D courses abroad and is very experienced in performing 3D/4D scans.

Helle has extensive experience in counseling partens-to-be with genetic diseases in the family or in the future child.

Helle has for many years been on the board of the Danish Fetal Medical Society.

Helle is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine.

Helle is fluent in English.

Consultant and specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine.

Wiebke Schroeter has been employed at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2020.

Wiebke is a consultant at Hvidovre Hospital and works with pregnant women and ultrasounds daily.

She is certified with Fetal Medicine Foundation in London in performing Nuchal Translucency scans and she is highly experienced in 3D/4D scans as well as all other ultrasounds.

Wiebke has extensive experience in counseling parents-to-be with genetic diseases in the family or in the future child.

Wiebke is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and an expert in Fetal Medicine.

Wiebke is educated in Germany and moved to Denmark in 2017, and here becomes an expert in ultrasound scanning of pregnant women and fetal medicine.

She is fluent in Danish, English and of course German.


Dyveke Spliedt is a sonographer and has been employed at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2008.

As one of the few midwives in Denmark Dyveke holds qualifications in Obstetric Ultrasound scanning. Dyveke obtained her qualifications in the Netherlands as this course is not available in Denmark. Since 2000, she has worked exclusively with ultrasound scanning of pregnant women.

Dyveke has previously been employed at a fertility clinic in the Netherlands and is also very experienced in the early scans.

Dyveke is certified with Fetal Medicine Foundation in London in performing Nuchal Translucency scans and has also attended 3D/4D courses abroad.

Dyveke is also experienced in advising on our genetic tests.

Dyveke works at Nordsjællands Hospital daily, and she is fluent in English and Dutch and of course Danish.


Vibeke Berg is a sonographer and has been employed at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2012.

Vibeke has 18 years of experience in scanning pregnant women both at Herlev and Roskilde Hospital.

Vibeke is highly experienced in ultrasound scanning of pregnant women including early pregnancy scans, nuchal translucency scans, Anomaly scans, growth, and wellbeing scans as well as 3D/4D scans.

Vibeke has also worked at a fertility clinic for several years and is therefore also very experienced in fertility scans and the early scan and is also experienced in advising on our genetic tests.

Vibeke is certified with Fetal Medicine Foundation in London in performing Nuchal Translucency scans and anomaly scans.

Vibeke has previously been on the board of the Danish Fetal Medical Society.

Vibeke is fluent in English.


Benedicte Stavnstrup is a sonographer and has been employed at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2014.

Benedicte is employed at the Ultrasound clinic at Rigshospitalet.

Benedicte is highly experienced in ultrasound scanning of pregnant women including early pregnancy scans, nuchal translucency scans, Anomaly scans, growth, and wellbeing scans as well as 3D/4D scans.

Benedicte has for many years been on the board of the Danish Fetal Medical Society.

Benedicte is certified with Fetal Medicine Foundation in London in performing Nuchal.

Translucency scans and anomaly scans.

Benedicte is also experienced in advising on our genetic tests.

Benedicte is fluent in English.


Aisha Rasool is a qualified Sonographer and has been working at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide since 2022. She was also working at the clinic in year 2017-2018.

Aisha has extensive work experience more than 10 years, from being part of a specialized Obstetrics/Gynae clinic in Sydney Australia. At the clinic she scanned a large number of early pregnancy scans, Nuchal translucency scans, Morphology scans, Growth scans, Gender scans and Fertility scans. Aisha is highly experienced in following high risk pregnancies through all the various scans performed throughout a pregnancy. Aisha is also very routine in 3D/4D scanning.

Aisha is also very experienced in scanning all Gynecological scans including Fertility scans.

Aisha is Certified with the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London to perform Nuchal Translucency scans.

Aisha can also competently  advice on the various Genetic tests performed at Ultralydklinikken for Gravide.   

Same high standard as in the country’s leading hospitals

We not only aim to provide you with amazing pictures of your little one, but also to make sure you are treated with equal levels of professionalism, care and attention for you and your family to have unforgettable experience.

This is one of the reasons we require that all our staff either work, or have recently worked, at a fetal clinic in a hospital. This way, they are up to date on the most resent medical developments, which will serve as the base from which they meet you when you visit our clinic. The top-level medical knowledge available to you is comparable to what you will find at some of the country’s leading hospitals – at no extra cost.

Same high standard as in the country’s leading hospitals

We not only aim to provide you with amazing pictures of your little one, but also to make sure you are treated with equal levels of professionalism, care and attention for you and your family to have unforgettable experience.

This is one of the reasons we require that all our staff either work, or have recently worked, at a fetal clinic in a hospital. This way, they are up to date on the most resent medical developments, which will serve as the base from which they meet you when you visit our clinic. The top-level medical knowledge available to you is comparable to what you will find at some of the country’s leading hospitals – at no extra cost.

Did you know?

It takes time to perform a 3D/4D scan, during which your baby’s development is properly assessed. Does it compare to what is considered ‘normal’, or do we see any abnormalities? To make sure we have enough time to assess every detail, the 3D/4D scan at our clinic takes 45 minutes.

For us to perform a professional and thorough scan, we must know exactly what a fetus is supposed to look like and be able to do at every stage of pregnancy. Just like when the baby is born and you look for certain developmental milestones, we also look for milestone inside the womb.

To correctly recognize and assess these milestones requires a great deal of training and experience alike, and we are proud to offer both at our clinic. We can’t wait to meet you (and your little one).

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